Friday, June 17, 2011

Musings Masala Dilli

Dilli. Quite crude in its people. Guys stare at women ever so leering. I am embarassed for my gender out there. What strange devices are pulling at them in the groin between eyes and brain?
Any woman they stare at!
The city has crazed drivers who drive like its a circus to chase the impossible dreams. Why? I have no idea. Is it the heat? The frustrations of no real outlets for expressions? Urban sprawl.
Great food. Greater people like Minni, Apurva and my sis in law Geeta and her daughter Nidhi. There were times in Dilli where I felt that this was so removed from all that I am now familiar with. Yet mornings as early as 5.30 and I was down from the 17th floor to walk the buildings and their lovely walabouts. Winding through the buildings and weaving in and out of lanes, these walks were sometimes tedious as the heat would be up like me and blazing hot by 6.30/7. Only older women--huge bodies wrapped like bales of hay in some green printed tent like material and rolling around gassing and farting up the place. Every time I walk past them there was a distinct smell of fart mixed with Obsession perfume. The mad traffic of Dilli and its absorption with trading left me wondering where and when will they realise to make it nea and orderly.
I went to chandni cowk by metro... did I tell you how good that is. It would be mindless travel by road of time and money and energy...and within minutes was at the gate 4 of Jama Masjid searching for brass. Sadly there was no interest in the shopkeeper to sell. The upstairs had been closed. The shop assistant looked miserable in the heat and the shop was next to a few others like it. I sauntered into them and quickly left as they had huge ugly modern pieces shiny ones made of brass that looked grotesque.
Then I made some chicken after a night of marination. It did taste better than usual except not so spicey.
Of course my night flkt from dilli was so so late that it felt like another lifetime spent in the hours that stretched like days. Music saved me with my Ipod.Nervous of Neena had become a kind of a body ailment like having a cold that doesnt leave you for weeks.
So I managed to get thru to say sorry for will reach wee hrs of morn.

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